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Alae – Making Dreams Come True

girl with the beach in the background

Alae, TechGirls 2020, Morocco Alae is a co-founder of Tech4All with Amina, you can read more here. She was recognized with an Outstanding Project Award and has made an incredible impact! Dreams do come true! I can’t believe that I am now part of the TechGirls alumni network. The TechGirls program was a big goal I had Read More »

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Aynura – Giving girls the chance to LadyUp

Aynura posing with her head on her hand with a plain background

Aynura, TechGirls 2021, Uzbekistan Read about Aynura’s Project LadyUP here. She was recognized with an Outstanding Project Award and has made an incredible impact! The district where I live is small, on the edge. Life here was smooth. Something had to change for me. But what was it? I began to test myself in different areas to Read More »

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