Juddy – Robotics & Leadership Skills
Juddy, TechGirls 2021, Jordan
“I went out with the lamps looking for myself.” They say that eventually, computers will take over the world. We believe that technology will have the power to do anything; It can transform our whole image. So, we should learn and understand more about it. I started to love technology four years ago when I was taking a line tracking class in school. The tracking class helped me improve my designing and programming skills. Using the skills I learned in class, I participated in an advanced line tracking robotics competition in Jordan, winning first place. From this moment, I discovered my personal and main motivation for the field of robotics competitions. This year I participated in the First Lego League robotics competition. The First Lego League guides youth through STEM learning and exploration at an early age. From Discover, to Explore, and then to Challenge, students will understand the basics of STEM and apply their skills in an exciting competition while building habits of learning, confidence, and teamwork skills along the way.
For the competition, each team designed and created a robot. The robot should be ready to solve several challenges on a table full of missions and points. My team and I perfectly designed our robot based on the laws of Physics. Because of the success of our robot, we won first place in the Jordan Robot design award. This competition allowed me to develop my problem-solving, teamwork, and time management, and creative skills. It also taught me how to be more responsible while finding time to have fun in everything I do. I love the work that I accomplish, so I have strong faith in myself. The TechGirls program helped me further improve these skills. Being a TechGirl showed me the true meaning of technology and its importance. It taught me how to be more responsible, social and learn deeply about other cultures while developing my skills in technology through the Power Electronics course taught by Virginia Tech.