TechGirls participants attend leadership clinics, tailored tech talks, and have workshops on career options, project planning, and higher education opportunities. The core tech training includes a challenging courses taught by Virginia Tech’s faculty.
TechGirls is a comprehensive, customized program that equips participants with tech skills to meet the demands of the growing industry, as well as the soft skills to enable them to apply what they have learned to the issues of their local communities. Follow-on community-based projects are designed to reinforce and support the skills and linkages acquired during the U.S. program, provide additional young women back home with tech training, promote community engagement, and set young women on educational and career tracks.
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The TechGirls program:
- Improves participants’ ability to enter tech fields and gain access to higher education.
- Connects TechGirls with tech professionals in mentoring relationships.
- Enables participants to implement a concept/idea/model learned during the program in their home country.
- Increases access to resources and networks that support their interests and educational goals.
- Increases virtual and real -time collaboration on ways to address societal issues (i.e. employment opportunities, engaging youth in service, public health awareness, etc.).
- Increases commitment to civic engagement and participation.
- Equips participants for implementing follow-on activities in their home communities that support their future academic and professional goals in the technology field.