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Sophie – The Sky is the Limit 

Sophie, TechGirls 2023, USA

Imagine stepping into a world where curiosity reigns supreme, and the air is charged with the buzz of innovation. That’s exactly the atmosphere that the TechGirls program effortlessly conjured. Amongst a cohort of brilliant minds, each with their unique spark, we forged a sisterhood of aspiring tech trailblazers. It was not just an exchange program; it was a symphony of dreams, where each note resonated with the melody of breaking barriers. I have traveled to many places and enjoyed meeting with people from different countries and cultures, yet being part of TechGirls last year was the most impactful event in my life. 

In this enchanted realm, the curriculum at Virginia Tech unfolded like a treasure map, leading me and my fellow TechGirls through uncharted territories of computer programming, electrical engineering, science informatics, and civil and environmental engineering. The Learning Programming via Algorithmic Music Making class not only provided me with the technical skills necessary for creating a website furnished with musical keys, but also inspired a deeper appreciation for the creative applications of technology in the realm of music-making. The innovative approach to teaching with live coding in Earsketch and the final demonstration with Echolab on our phones entranced us and taught us of a world beyond just coding. We were explorers of the digital frontier, uncovering the secrets of the tech kingdom. The classroom transformed into a laboratory of ideas, where failure was not the end but a stepping stone to success. It was in those moments of trial and error that I discovered the alchemy of resilience. 

Yet, the magic extended beyond the confines of the classroom. The program wove a tapestry of mentorship and support, connecting me with sorceresses of the tech world—women who had battled dragons of doubt and soared on the wings of determination. While they were alarming, the stories of experiencing deadly school shootings, closing schools, and wars from internal conflicts bound our sisterhood into the strongest alliance and armor for us to fearlessly conquer our obstacles. Their stories wove a spell that transcended the boundaries of time, empowering me to script my own saga of triumph. 

As I stand on the precipice of my adventure, I carry with me the elixir of knowledge, the armor of skills, and the enchanted quill of mentorship. After the program, I was able to collaborate with a local middle school to establish a dynamic educational project called opens in a new window“Create, Code, Conquer”. Together, we implemented this innovative program to bridge the gap between theoretical learning and practical application. We not only enriched the academic curriculum but also fostered a hands-on, interactive learning experience for the students. My goal is to not only boost the members’ confidence in their creative abilities, but also broaden their understanding of the technological world, which some may have found unfamiliar. I am confident that I can make a positive impact on our environment through my actions and motivation, inspiring me to take on greater challenges in the fields of science and technology. 

My quest now extends beyond the realm of pixels and code—it ventures into the heart of my community. Armed with the wand of inspiration, I aim to conjure workshops that sprinkle stardust on the ambitions of young women, awakening the tech sorceresses within them. Through collaborative potions of education and empowerment, I intend to turn the tide of stereotypes and create a symphony of change in my local schools and community organizations. 

TechGirls unveiled a world of limitless possibilities where I can pursue and contribute to a positive change around me. It challenges me to perceive myself as a community leader at a young age and is also a hallmark of my dedication to women’s empowerment. From the interactive classrooms to captivating visits to the Ford factory in Detroit and NASA, the program served as a breeding ground for inspiration, motivating me to commit to greater endeavors in the fields of science and technology. These experiences galvanized me to use technology as a conduit to empower myself and all girls to succeed in our interests and passions. As I move forward in life, I am carrying and will continue to embrace the courage and confidence that was instilled in me by the program, my incredible professors, and lifelong friends.

Sophie Lin - 2023TeehGirls - Sophie Lin
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