Lina – Tech Development in Libya
Lina, TechGirl 2013, Libya
Lina attended the University of Tripoli and expects to graduate this semester from Electrical and Electronics Engineering. She currently serves as an Account Coordinator at Zain Libya.
Lina is also the Founder of Alpha – a Tech and Youth development organization, is an intern at Libya (National Democratic Institute (NDI) and serves as a leader with Girl Scouts. She is leading a group this year that are focusing on breaking stereotypes. Lina described the mission of the program as, “We want the girls to explore different fields and see what people actually do after studying computer science.”
Lina found her TechGirls program experience to be influential in her life and significant to her current work, “the TechGirls program allowed me to experience an exploration of the tech field for women and it made a huge difference in my life (a great difference!) and I wanted to pass the same experience to these girls at Girl Scouts because most of them get to choose what to major in by their next year in high school, so maybe they will find it interesting and continue their studies in this field despite how the community often views this field.”
Lina’s Girl Scouts group recently visited Techneon Group LLC in an effort to clarify the tasks of developing and programming video games companies by sharing the stages of developing video games, the history and achievements of this giant industry today.